Local Scholarships
Scholarship Writing Tips
- Scholarship Writing Tips: watch this video from Bank of ND, good pointers!
Below you will find a list of local scholarships. These scholarships are open to a smaller population, which increases your chance of being awarded. Be sure to apply for as many local scholarships as possible!
Donors: Thank you from the OHS students for offering these much appreciated opportunities in the form of generous gifts of scholarships to further our education and career goals.
Note to Donors: If you do not plan to continue an award, change an award, want to submit a new award or add an application link to the OHS website; it must be sent to Maureen as a word document to make sure our links are screen reader ADA compliant. Please contact Maureen Wentworth, at Maureen.wentworth@k12.nd.us to help us maintain up-to-date scholarship opportunities for our seniors. If you have other questions or concerns, feel free to reach me at ed.wentworth@k12.nd.us.
Associated General Contractors of North Dakota
Due by: April 24
Multiple Scholarships
Agtegra Future Agriculturalist Scholarship
Due by: March 30 online fillable application
Amount: $500 (x10)
Ashley K. Meyer Memorial Scholarship
Due by: April 10th
Amount: $1,000
Basin Electric Coop Scholarship Dakota Valley Electric Coop
must be active members of Dakota Valley Electric (includes most rural students)
Due by: January 31st, 2023
Amount: $1,000
Bertha Wood Memorial Scholarship
Due April 15th
Amount: $500
Carson Roney Memorial Scholarship
Due by: April 1st
Amount: $1,000 (x2)
CHI Oakes Hospital Educational Scholarship
CHI Announcement
Due by: April 21st
Amount: $500
Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative (Local Scholarship)
Due by: April 15
Amount: $1,000
Due by: February 28, 2023
Amount: $500 (x2)
Dushinske & Jamison Water Resources Scholarship
Due by: April 1
Ammount: $1,500 (x4)
First Community Credit Union Scholarship
Due by: March 17, 2023
Amount: $4,000 (x9) and $2,000 (x6), $1000 per year
Good Samaritan Society Scholarship
Due by: May 1, 2022
Amount: $500 (x2)
Home Builders Care of F-M Foundation
Due: March 2023
Amount: $500
Hole-In-One Foundation Scholarship
Due by: May 1
Amount: $500 (x4)
James River Soil Conservation Scholarship
Due by: July 1, 2023
Amount: $500
Lion's Career and Tech Scholarship
Due by: March 15
Amount: $750
Due: Jan. 31, 2023
Amount: $1000
North Dakota CTE and Academic Scholarship
Due by: June 4th (opens Jan 1)
Amount: $6,000
How to apply: Click Here to see instructions for applying/maintaining the scholarship throughout college.
The following scholarships can be found at the link below:
The Deadline: April 1st, 2022 for the ND Community Foundation Scholarships. Award amounts vary for each.
North Dakota Community Foundation Scholarships
Bernie Vculek Cheerleader Scholarship
Fay & Irene Sanders Memorial Scholarship
Bank North Scholarship
Garry Opp Memorial Scholarship
Leo Billey Memorial Scholarship
Mary Goldader (Johnson) Memorial Scholarship
Max Zelenak Scholarship
Oakes VFW Scholarship
Ray & Hazel Wuolu Memorial Scholarship
Rick & Nancy Warner Bigler Scholarship
Oakes Education Association Scholarship
Due by: April 24th
Oakes Snobusters $1000 Memorial Scholarship
**Single scholarship in the amount of $1000 in honor of Ashley K. Meyer, Carson Roney, LaRoy Chesley & James Fred Moore**
P.E.O. Evelyn Van Houten Memorial Gift
Due by: April 15th
Amount: $500
** New Scholarship** Ryan Thorpe Scholarship on behalf of Tharaldson Ethanol
Due: April 15th
Amount: $1,000 (x 2)
Due by: April 15th
Amount: $500 (x2)
Due by: April 22
Amount: $500 (x2) and 1 Ag award-fill out the same application but let them know you are applying for the Ag one
United Steel Workers 560 Scholarships
Northern Plains United Labor Council (NPULC) Scholarship
Due by: May 31
North Dakota Labor Leaders Scholarship Fund
Due by: May 31
Local 560 Scholarship
Due by: March 31
Amount: $500 x 2
A.F. Kojetinsky Vocational (Career) Education Scholarship Program
Due by: April 30 for the Application for Certification and May 30 for the scholarship
Amount: $2,600
A.F. Kojetinsky Memorial Scholarship Program
Due by February 28 for the Application for Certification and March 31 for the scholarship
Amount: $5,200
Due by: March 31st
Amount: $500
Due by: April 15th
Amount: $1,000