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Sports is a big business, and outstanding athletes are often offered large scholarships. To ensure all athletes are prepared for college level work, the NCAA and NAIA have strict eligibility requirements athletes must meet before they can receive a scholarship or play a sport in college. It is important for athletes to meet with their guidance counselors as early as possible to discuss academic requirements and to make sure they are taking the correct courses. Basic NCAA and NAIA eligibility guidelines are outlined below.


The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a voluntary association of about 1,200 colleges/universities, athletic conferences and sports organizations devoted to the sound administration of intercollegiate athletics. Division I and Division II colleges can offer athletic scholarships; Division III colleges (mostly smaller, private colleges) cannot. Division III athletes do not need to meet NCAA academic requirements.

16 core courses are required for students entering Division I and Division II colleges/universities.


Division I:

Complete 10 NCAA core courses, including seven in English, math, or natural/physical science, before your seventh semester.

English - 4 years

Math (Algebra I or higher) - 3 years

Natural/Physical Science (including one year of lab, if offered) - 2 years

Additional (English, math, or natural/physical science) - 1 year

Social Science - 2 years

Additional Courses (Any area listed above, foreign language or comparative religion/philosophy) - 4 years

NCAA Division One Academic Standards

Division II:

English - 3 years

Math (Algebra I or higher) - 2 years

Natural/Physical Science (including one year of lab, if offered) - 2 years

Additional (English, math, or natural/physical science) - 3 years

Social Science - 2 years

Additional Courses (Any area listed above, foreign language or comparative religion/philosophy) - 4 years

NCAA Division Two Academic Standards

Grade Point Average:

Athletes going to Division I must have a 2.3 minimum GPA and Division II must have a 2.2 minimum GPA (on a 4.0 scale) in a designated number of core courses.


Test Scores:

Remember to list the NCAA Eligibility Center (code 9999) as a score recipient whenever you register to take the test. If you take a test more than once, send all of your scores. NCAA will give you what is called a "super score" where they take all of your highest scores in your subsections of the ACT/SAT and give you the highest possible cumulative score. Test scores are only accepted from ACT or SAT, they will not accept the score listed on your transcript sent from OHS.


Sliding Scale:

ACT/SAT requirements for Division I and Division II eligibility are based on a sliding scale. The higher a student's core GPA, the lower the test score required and vice versa. Find more information at



The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics can award full or partial scholarships. To play a sport or receive an athletic scholarship, an athlete must meet two of the following three NAIA requirements:


Grade Point Average:

Athletes must have a 2.0 minimum GPA (on a 4.0 scale) and graduate in top half of your high school class.


Test Scores:

Remember to list the NAIA (code 9876) as a score recipient whenever you register to take the test. Test scores are only accepted from ACT or SAT, they will not accept the score listed on your transcript sent from OHS. Minimum of 18 composite score on ACT. Minimum 970 on the SAT.


For more eligibility information please visit:

For information and advice on getting an athletic scholarship, athletes should talk to their coach.